What is HyperSpeed Dialup?
If you surf the Internet using a dial-up connection,
you are painfully aware of how slow web pages
load. Well, now you can surf the web 2 to 5
times faster with HyperSpeed Dialup,
the fastest dial-up web accelerator available
anywhere, and the only high speed dialup service
in Sumter County!
We tested all the major dialup accelerators
on the market and chose the fastest and most
stable product we could find to incorporate
into our Sum.Net service. No more special DSL
equipment and phone lines, no more long-term
contracts with phone and cable companies - just
faster Internet right through your modem.
How Does It Work?
HyperSpeed Dialup is designed to provide
maximum acceleration for the Web sites you visit
regularly. So, the more you surf, the faster
your favorite pages will load! A small piece
of software, the HyperSpeed Client,
installs on your computer and talks to our network
of HyperSpeed Servers.
Specifically, HyperSpeed Dialup
speeds up the delivery of Web pages four
How Do I Get It?
HyperSpeed Dialup is available to
all Sum.Net customers on our Premium Access
plan. If you are not a Sum.Net customer, sign
up today for Premium Access either by visiting
signup page,
calling us at (888) NET-NERD (888-638-6373),
or visiting one of our local offices (see locations).
Cost is just $21.95/month
(by automatic credit card or bank draft), $24.95/month
(by check), or $65.85
quarterly with discounts offered for longer
term options.
If you have Sum.Net service but are not on
our Premium Access plan, upgrade today from
your Basic Unlimited or Limited plan by emailing
us billing@sum.net
, calling us, or visiting our local payment
offices (see above).
If you already subscribe to Premium
Access, download the HyperSpeed Dialup
software by clicking the appropriate link below:
Install the product on your PC
(it supports Windows Vista, XP, ME, 98, 2000,
2003 and now Macintosh OS X 10.2 and later -
sorry, but it won't work on Windows 95). MacIntosh
users may find this document helpful for viewing
the various Hyperspeed screens: Mac_Screens.PDF.
Once the product is successfully installed,
contact us to activate it by calling (888) 638-6373
or emailing us at billing@sum.net.
Prior to activation, HyperSpeed Dialup
will not speed up your browsing, but it will
still allow you to browse the Internet with
your normal dialup connection. The pop-up blocker
will work immediately after you install it even
before activation. If HyperSpeed Dialup
prompts you for a username and password prior
to activation, just click Cancel. Once we activate
it, you will enter your dialup username and
password in the software and you can start surfing
at HyperSpeeds! Be sure to read the Quick Tour
pages that appear after installation. It gives
a very simple overview of the product and how
to change the various options.
And, of course, you can always call us if you
need help at (888) 638-6373 !